IMPORTS UInt64 FROM GenericTypes

FROM InterledgerTypes


-- the following packet type is experimental and may still change ForwardedPaymentData ::= SEQUENCE { -- Destination ILP Address account Address, -- Information for recipient (transport layer information) data OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32767)), -- Enable ASN.1 Extensibility extensions SEQUENCE { ... } }

InterledgerProtocolPaymentData ::= SEQUENCE { -- Amount which must be received at the destination amount UInt64, -- Destination ILP Address account Address, -- Information for recipient (transport layer information) data OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32767)), -- Enable ASN.1 Extensibility extensions SEQUENCE { ... } }

InterledgerProtocolErrorData ::= SEQUENCE { -- Standardized error code code IA5String (SIZE (3)), -- Corresponding error name name IA5String, -- Participant that originally emitted the error triggeredBy Address, -- Participants that forwarded the error forwardedBy SEQUENCE OF Address, -- Time of emission triggeredAt GeneralizedTime, -- Additional data data OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..8192)), -- Enable ASN.1 Extensibility extensions SEQUENCE { ... } }

InterledgerProtocolFulfillmentData ::= SEQUENCE { -- Information for sender (transport layer information) data OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32767)) }

InterledgerProtocolRejectionData ::= SEQUENCE { -- Standardized error code code IA5String (SIZE (3)), -- Participant that originally emitted the error triggeredBy Address, -- User-readable error message message UTF8String (SIZE (0..8191)), -- Machine-readable error data, dependent on code data OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32767)), -- Enable ASN.1 Extensibility extensions SEQUENCE { ... } }