SPSP Pull Payments


This document describes how to conduct Pull Payments via STREAM once the payment details have been exchanged via the Simple Payment Setup Protocol (SPSP).


Pull Payments

In contrast to a push payment, where the Payer (sender) actively sends (pushes) units of value to the Payee (receiver), Pull Payments shift the active part from the Payer to the Payee. With the Payer's consent, the Payee can pull units of value directly from the Payer's account to their own account. The only active engagement of the Payer is required during the negotiation phase of the Pull Payment Agreement.


The Simple Payment Setup Protocol (SPSP) only describes how the details required for a STREAM connection are exchanged and how a simple push payment is made. However, it lacks a detailed explanation of how a Pull Payment is conducted using this connection.


This document specifies how to conduct a Pull Payment once a STREAM connection has been set up. It is intended for wallet providers and merchants.


  • Payer - The entity that units of value are pulled from by the Payee. It is running the SPSP Server.
  • Payee - The entity that is pulling units of value from the Payer. It is running the SPSP Client.
  • Pull Payment - The process of pulling units of value from one account into another account.
  • Pull Payment Agreement - An agreement between the Payer and the Payee that specifies how much value can be pulled how often and for how long.
  • Pull Payment Pointer - A Payment Pointer that includes a unique and opaque string and represents a Pull Payment Agreement. The SPSP Client uses it to query the SPSP Endpoint on the SPSP Server.

Operation Overview

The Payee's SPSP Client will set up a STREAM connection to the Payer's SPSP Server using the Pull Payment Pointer, as described by the Simple Payment Setup Protocol. On connection, the SPSP Client tries to pull value from the SPSP server, staying within the terms of the Pull Payment Agreement.

Model of Operation

Negotiating the Pull Payment Agreement

Prior to a Pull Payment, the Payer and the Payee have to negotiate a Pull Payment Agreement. This agreement SHOULD be comprised of the parameters defined in the agreement-object within the Response Body. The Payer's SPSP Server SHOULD store the negotiated Pull Payment Agreement parameters.

The result of the negotiation is a Pull Payment Pointer representing the Pull Payment Agreement. The Pull Payment Pointer is required by the Payee's SPSP Client to connect to the Payer's SPSP server.

Implementations MAY try to parse the Pull Payment Pointer, however, it MUST support totally opaque Pull Payment Pointers.

Conducting the Pull Payment

The Payee's SPSP Client opens a STREAM connection to the Payer's SPSP Server as described in the Simple Payment Setup Protocol.

Once this connection is established, the process continues as follows:

The SPSP Server begins sending ILP packets to complete the Pull Payment. 1. The SPSP Server will adjust their sendMax to reflect the amount they're willing to send. * sendMax SHOULD be derived from the Pull Payment Agreement parameters, i.e., sendMax SHOULD be equal to pull.balance.available, converted to the SPSP Server's operating asset, taking exchange rate fluctuations into account. 2. The SPSP Client will adjust their receiveMax to reflect the amount they're willing to receive. * receiveMax MAY be Infinity. 3. The SPSP Client's and Server's STREAM Modules will move as much value as possible while staying inside these bounds. 4. If the SPSP Server reaches their sendMax, they end the stream and the connection. If the SPSP Client reaches their receiveMax, they will end the stream and the connection.

The STREAM parameters - sendMax and receiveMax - are defined in STREAM's frame encoding.

Note that if there are multiple open streams (via one or more STREAM connections) to the destination_account the Pull Payment Pointer is resolving to, the SPSP Server MUST only set one sendMax at a time.


Query (GET <SPSP Endpoint>)

The SPSP Client queries the SPSP Endpoint to get information about the SPSP Server:


GET /0f09dc92-84ad-401b-a7c9-441bc6173f4e HTTP/1.1
Host: alice.com
Accept: application/spsp4+json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/spsp4+json

  "destination_account": "alice.ilpdemo.red.0f09dc92-84ad-401b-a7c9-441bc6173f4e",
  "shared_secret": "k5nubgM6zpb88NPGVnI/tVjRdgpUh+JvMueRFEMvPcY=",
  "pull": {
    "balance": {
      "total": "5000",
      "interval": "1000",
      "available": "1000"
    "cycle": 3,
    "agreement": {
      "amount": "2000",
      "start": "2019-01-01T08:00Z",
      "expiry": "2021-01-02T00:00Z", 
      "interval": "P0Y1M0DT0H0M0S",
      "cycles": 12,
      "cap": false,
      "asset": {
        "code": "USD",
        "scale": 2
Response Body

The response body is a JSON object that includes basic account details necessary for setting up a STREAM connection as well as optional parameters for displaying purposes. The fields are defined in the following:

Field Type Description
destination_account ILP Address (see Simple Payment Setup Protocol)
shared_secret 32 bytes, base64 encoded (including padding) (see Simple Payment Setup Protocol)
pull Object (OPTIONAL) Details of this Pull Payment Pointer.
pull.balance Object (OPTIONAL) Details of this Pull Payment Pointer's balance.
pull.balance.total Integer String (OPTIONAL) Total amount, denoted in pull.agreement.asset.code, which has been pulled by the client since pull.agreement.start to date. It is the sum of all outgoing chunks.
pull.balance.interval Integer String (OPTIONAL) Amount, denoted in pull.agreement.asset.code, which has been pulled by the client since the start of the current pull.cycle. It is the sum of all outgoing chunks.
pull.balance.available Integer String (OPTIONAL) Amount, denoted in pull.agreement.asset.code, which is still available to be pulled by the client until the end of the current pull.agreement.cycle.
pull.cycle Integer (OPTIONAL) Current interval cycle out of a total of pull.agreement.cycles.
pull.agreement Object (OPTIONAL) Details of the Pull Payment Agreement.
pull.agreement.amount Integer String (OPTIONAL) Amount, denoted in pull.agreement.asset.code, which can pulled by the client each pull.agreement.interval.
pull.agreement.start String (OPTIONAL) ISO 8601 UTC timestamp, e.g. "2019-01-01T08:00Z", representing the start of the Pull Payment Agreement.
pull.agreement.expiry String (OPTIONAL) ISO 8601 UTC timestamp, e.g. "2021-01-02T00:00Z", representing the expiry of the Pull Payment Agreement. It is the time when the SPSP endpoint is destroyed, i.e. remaining funds cannot be pulled after that point in time.
pull.agreement.interval String (OPTIONAL) ISO 8601 duration, e.g. "P0Y1M0DT0H0M0S" = 1 month, which describes how often pull.agreement.amount can be pulled.
pull.agreement.cycles Integer (OPTIONAL) Number of times that pull.agreement.interval is applied, starting at pull.agreement.start. If pull.agreement.interval is 1 month and pull.agreement.cycles is 12, then pull.agreement.amount can be pulled 12 times within the year starting at pull.agreement.start.
pull.agreement.cap Boolean (OPTONAL) Defines whether any balance not pulled before the start of the next interval cycle is accumulated or expires. If pull.agreement.cap = true, the maximum pullable amount per pull.agreement.interval is pull.agreement.amount. If pull.agreement.cap = false, the maximum pullable amount per pull.agreement.interval is pull.agreement.amount plus any remaining funds accumulated but not pulled over the last interval cycles.
pull.agreement.asset Object (OPTIONAL) Details of the agreement's asset.
pull.agreement.asset.code String (OPTIONAL) Asset code to identify the agreement's currency. Currencies that have ISO 4217 codes should use those.
pull.agreement.asset.scale Integer (OPTIONAL) The scale of the amounts pull.balance.total, pull.balance.interval, and pull.balance.available are stated in (e.g. an amount of "1000" with a scale of 2 translates to 10.00 units of the server's asset/currency)

Note: Currency amounts are denominated as integer strings instead of native JSON numbers to avoid losing precision during JSON parsing. Applications MUST represent these numbers in a data type that has precision equal or greater than an unsigned 64-bit integer.

Pointer Does Not Exist
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/spsp4+json

  "id": "InvalidPointerError",
  "message": "Pointer does not exist."